If There’s a Will, There’s a Way: Ensure Your Wishes are Honoured

When a loved one passes away from a sudden illness it can be traumatic for the remaining family, especially if the deceased’s financial affairs are not in order. With over 66,000 Covid-related deaths being reported by mid-July 2021 in South Africa, this situation is more of a reality than many would like to believe and […]

Preparation for Death: Keeping Your Affairs in Order

It is important that we all keep our affairs in order to assist our loved ones when we pass away. This article serves as a simple guide to assist you in collating the relevant information that your executor will require on your passing. Safe and Known Place for Documents It is important that all of […]

Process of Administering a Deceased Estate

Once a person passes away, if they leave behind either a) a Will or b) assets, their estate must be reported to the Master of the High Court. Below is a basic overview of the process of administering an estate: Reporting The estate must firstly be reported to the Master of the High Court for […]

What is a Living Will?

A Living Will is an advance written instruction in which you can express your consent or refusal to any medical treatment should you be unable to do so at a …